It is known that regions within the brain can control metabolism, rate of energy expenditure and fat stores across the entire body. However, it is not fully clear how this is achieved. In addition to its potential practical value, addressing this problem would also help elucidate the broader principle of how complex neural circuits that integrate many inputs achieve selective control over different outputs in the body.
For gene- and pathway- discovery studies, we use the C. elegans model, with a particular focus towards discovering mechanisms by which central neurons regulate whole-body lipid metabolism. Major strengths of this model system include powerful molecular-genetic tools, screening capabilities that allow unbiased gene discovery, and ease of visualization of fluorescent reporters made amenable by a transparent body.
Thus far, our studies have defined a core neuronal circuit in the C. elegans nervous system that converts sensory information across distinct modalities, to regulate the rate and extent of metabolism in the intestine. We are finding that rather than functioning discretely, food-, oxygen- and pheromone-sensing neurons operate together to drive the conversion of fat to energy in the intestine. How is this sensory integration achieved? This question gets at the heart of circuit neuroscience, but with a twist: rather than behavior, we wish defining how neuronal and neuroendocrine circuits control internal physiological states.